Friday 24th September
We picked 101Kg of Pecorino, Brix 23.5, crushed, destemmed all, and sulphited at 2grams per 23 Kgs of grapes. Crushed at 5pm Friday, left overnight on skins at 14degrees.
Saturday 25th September
Pecorino, medium press at 9am Saturday to obtain around 50 Litres of Juice. Added yeast, Lalvin D47, immediately in stainless steel vat in cool room, temperature 14 degrees C. Hydrometer reading 90.
Picked Sangiovese around 2pm, 54 Kgs of grapes. Brix 23, 3pm crushed, destemmed around half, and sulphited at 2grams per 23 Kgs of grapes. Left overnight on skins at 14degrees.
Sunday 26th September
9 am medium press Sangiovese to obtain around 28 Litres of Juice. Added yeast, Lalvin D47, immediately in stainless steel vats in cool room, temperature 14 degrees C. Hydrometer reading 86.
Around lunchtime added 2 grams per gallon yeast nutrient to the Pecorino and Sangiovese.
1pm, looked again at Montepulciano and checked Brix. Decided to pick as Brix had risen to 23. 1pm picked 91.7 Kgs Crushed, destemmed around half, and sulphited at 2grams per 23 Kgs of grapes. Left for 2 hours on skins at 14degrees, then gentle press to obtain around 50 Litres of Juice. Added yeast, Lalvin D47, immediately in stainless steel vat in cool room, temperature 14 degrees C. Hydrometer reading 90.
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